Close the Gap’s Newsround is back after a short break. Here we round up all the news about women in the labour market, and all things related. This month’s stories cover welfare reform, publishing gender pay gaps, rising maternity discrimination and more.
The Sunday Times
Change work culture to close the pay gap - Anna Ritchie Allan
The Guardian
Women aren't dropping out of the labour market just because they're pregnant
Sometimes I have to leave work early to pick up my kids. Deal with it.
David Cameron to force companies to disclose their gender pay gap
Maternity discrimination means 54,000 women lose their jobs every year.
Sainsburys faces equal pay battle with female shopfloor workers
It's not just sports, all women's initiatives lack corporate sponsorship
Female solicitors paid less than men
Women 'hit hardest by benefit cuts'
The National
Budget reaction: Continuing the programme which impoverishes women - Emma Ritch, Engender
Iain Duncan Smith's welfare department has only two women
Why gender pay gap reporting divides employers
The Scotsman
China: Fines for pregnancy without permission
Creative Scotland meets Sturgeon's gender target
Gender gap in federal salaries? Let's not go there anymore, says new personnel chief