
FREE Public Sector Equality Duty Seminar for Trade Unions

The public sector equality duty came into force in April 2011 and replaced the gender equality duty.  The new specific duties have just come into force in Scotland. Unions reps will need to know how to use the new duties for the benefit of their members and to ensure equality in the workplace.  

Eventbrite - FREE Public Sector Equality Duty Seminar for Trade  Unionists

This FREE seminar will look at:

  • the principles of the public sector equality duty
  • equality impact assessment and the role of union reps; and
  • some practical examples of how union reps can use the duty.

Date & Venue

Friday 22 June 2012, Menzies Hotel, Glasgow G3 8AZ


9.00am       Registration with tea and coffee

9.30am       Welcome and introduction from Margaret Boyd, Chair, STUC Women's Committee

9.40am       The principles of the public sector equality duty: what your employer should be doing

10.25am     Equality impact assessment and how it can benefit members

11.15am     Tea and coffee

11.30am     How union reps can use the duty: some practical examples

12.30pm     Looking to the future

12.40pm     Questions    

1.00pm       Lunch

2.00pm       Finish

Please register by clicking on the green 'Click and Register' button at the top of the page but if you are having problems contact Anna Ritchie on 0141 337 8146 or email

Please circulate this information throughout your networks.

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