Close the Gap newsround (48)
This edition for July and August captures articles related to the gender pay gap and its causes, including pay discrimination and occupational segregation.
Older female employment rate to overtake men
The Guardian
Flexible working is on its way - know your rightsFacebook's Nicola Mendelsohn urges media to change labels given to women
Just 4.4% of rail engineers are women. It's time for change
London revealed to have lowest percentage of female directors
The tech industry gender gap: what can we learn from Europe
Five lessons in leadership from the UK's smartest women
Why Bob the Builder is keeping women out of construction
Gender bias in the film industry: 75% of blockbuster crews are male
BBC ordered to tackle 'gender imbalance' among presenters
Put your money where your mouth is: Why the pay gap is widening
10 sexist scenarios that women face at work
The Independent
Adverts for women: The gender agenda
The Telegraph
Now that you can, will you ask your boss for flexible working?Personal view: Why engineering is women's work
Oh Google! Girls don't need jewellery to enjoy computing
Glencore becomes last FTSE 100 firm to appoint women director
Help close the gender pay gap for the sake of your sister, mother and daughter
Women wait almost 20 years longer than men before they earn £1million
The HR Director
Flexible workers still stigmatized by colleagues
Huffington Post UK
Why can't women be coders too?
Compulsory equal pay reports proposed by Liberal Democrats
Compulsory audits add weight to equal pay claims
Evening Standard
Pay gap widens as women earn 13 per cent less than men in London
The Conversation
Men earn £2,000 more than women within six months of graduating
Think Progress
The wage penalty for becoming a mother is the same now as it was in 1977
DLA Piper
New regulations give tribunals the power to order equal pay audits
Women can't escape gender gap even in retirement
Gender equity can make America competitive
Powerful ad shows what a little girl hears when you tell her she's pretty
Google developer conference features tech industry's latest trend: more women
Gender pay gap in IT sector is 29%
Half of working mothers face discrimination at work, study finds
Japanese leader Abe wants more women to work. So he's got big plans for day care