Close the Gap newsround (42)
This edition for January and February captures articles related to the gender pay gap and its causes, including pay discrimination and occupational segregation.
The Guardian
Flight behaviour: Sexism still lies at the heart of the airline industry
Women in management - Debbie White
Why 2014 is a key year for women's rights and gender equality
Herald Scotland
The Telegraph
MPs: Gender bias 'putting women off top science jobs'
The Fawcett Society
Women in politics, the pay gap, and our economy
Huffington Post
Gendered marketing perpetuates stereotypes, constrains minds and limits our children's potential
Girl, 7, praised for letter to Lego about gender stereotyping in toys
Workplace Savings and Benefits
Childcare costs prevent two-thirds of women working more
Women's rights country by country
French boycott 'gender theory' at school
China: woman settles in first gender discrimination lawsuit
The best paying cities for women 2014
Flexibility key for working mums
GM's first female CEO will make half of what her predecessor made
The gender wage gap between unionized workers is tiny - and shrinking