August Newsround
Here we round up all the news about women in the labour market, and all things related. This month’s stories cover older women in the workplace, the university gender gap, the Think Business Think Equality launch and more.
The National
Scotland's invisible women: urgent action sought over gender gap in the workplace
App launched to help small businesses bridge the gender pay gap
The Guardian
Sexism in publishing: 'My novel wasn’t the problem, it was me, Catherine'
Mind the gender pay gap in Western Australia – women are paid $484 less
The gender pay gap is a scandal. David Cameron must act on his pledge to end it.
What does the university gender gap mean for the future of our society?
The Herald
Gender pay gap leaves women managers "working for free"
The Independent
The Telegraph
We should move quickly to eliminate the gender pay gap once and for all
How the pay gap between men and women starts small and gets so much bigger
How tech start-ups are closing the gender gap
Let’s expose the gender pay gap
Readers share their pay gap experiences