
15 new employers working towards ensuring women are Equally Safe at Work

Close the Gap is delighted to welcome a new group of 15 employers to our Equally Safe at Work employer accreditation programme. The tiered accreditation programme, which includes a development, bronze, silver, and gold level, supports employers from the public and third sector in Scotland to advance gender equality and prevent violence against women (VAW). Through a structured framework with targeted actions and activities for employers to undertake, the programme provides tools for creating inclusive, supportive and safe workplaces for women working in Scotland.

Joining our development tier

Employers can join the programme either at the development tier or the bronze tier. The development tier serves as the entry point for organisations starting their journey to address the causes of gender inequality at work. It supports employers to better understand VAW as a workplace issue and to recognise their role in supporting victim-survivors in the workplace. This first step in the Equally Safe at Work programme allows employers to identify areas for improvement and focuses on building a strong foundation for change.

We are happy to support the following organisations through this tier:

  • The Muirhead Outreach
  • The Care Inspectorate
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • Lothian Community Transport Services
  • AdvoCard
  • Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
  • NHS Lothian
  • Improvement Service

Joining our bronze tier

The bronze tier supports employers to further embed a gender- and VAW-sensitive approach to their employment policies and practices. It supports employers to address the barriers that women face in accessing flexible working, in recruitment and progression, and in disclosing or reporting VAW. Many of the criteria of the bronze tier align with the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty, and therefore many public sectors employers will already be working towards similar outcomes.

We are happy to be supporting the following organisations through this tier:

  • NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
  • City of Edinburgh Council
  • Orkney Islands Council
  • Dumfries and Galloway Council
  • NHS Shetland
  • Hanover Scotland
  • Glasgow City Council

Programme impact and success

Since the pilot phase with councils in 2019, Equally Safe at Work has proven effective in supporting changes to employment practices and addressing VAW. The evaluation of the programme showed significant advancements; for example, pilot councils implemented policies on flexible working, VAW and Equality and Diversity and introduced initiatives to address the under-representation of women in male-dominated roles. A noteworthy outcome was the introduction of support mechanisms for victim-survivors, including access to special leave and referrals to support services.

Following the pilot’s success, the programme expanded to include more councils and introduced pilots in NHS boards and third sector organisations. This expansion allowed Close the Gap to tailor the framework for diverse sectors and test different learning models. The 2022-2023 evaluation highlights the substantial impact the programme has had on influencing practice within NHS boards and third sector organisations. You can also watch a case study on NHS Ayrshire and Arran’s experience here.

“I would definitely recommend the programme. It’s well run. Goals are tough but achievable. Would recommend it to organisations of all sizes, and even if they can’t complete everything, there is so much useful learning.” – NHS Lead.

Community of Practice

Findings from the evaluation of the programme highlighted the benefits of peer learning for facilitating change. The Equally Safe at Work Community of Practice was assembled to formalise this peer learning and provide employers with the opportunity for cross-sectoral practice sharing and collaboration. It’s designed to bring together employers at various stages of their accreditation journey, as well as those interested in the programme. Through regular gatherings, participants from public and third-sector organisations exchange insights, discuss challenges, and share best practices. The Community of Practice fosters a collective approach to problem-solving, helping employers better understand how to implement gender- and VAW- sensitive policies and practices.

“Being involved both face-to-face and online was definitely useful to speak to someone outside my own discipline and in a broader group. Hearing from others and thinking about what could be adapted for our own use was invaluable.”

Looking Forward

As we continue our work, we are encouraged by the growing interest from employers committed to driving meaningful change for women in the workplace. The current engagement from our new group of employers underscores the significance of the programme and reflects a shared dedication to fostering positive and lasting progress. Through these collaborative efforts, we aim to build environments where women feel safe, supported, and valued. Close the Gap is committed to expanding the reach of Equally Safe at Work and refining our approaches to support more organisations on their journey toward gender equality, workplace safety and preventing VAW.

Join Us

Close the Gap invites organisations to get in touch to learn more about joining the Equally Safe at Work programme. For further details on how to participate, please visit

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