Public sector
Public Sector Equality Duty
Listed public authorities in Scotland are required by the public sector equality duty to publish information on their gender pay gap, and occupational segregation within their organisation. They are also required to report the steps that they are taking to proactively address the inequalities that are faced by their female workforce.
Close the Gap has produced guidance for Scottish public authorities on the gender and employment aspects of the public sector equality duty.
Equal pay and pay modernisation
A range public sector organisations are now actively addressing past gendered pay inequalities. A number of sectoral agreements on pay transparency and equality were reached between local government, health service and higher education employers.
Close the Gap has provided support to colleges and universities on conducting pay reviews, and producing robust equal pay statements. In partnership with Scotland's Colleges we produced an excellent resource specific to the college sector, Equal Pay Reviews and Job Evaluation: Guidance for Scotland's Colleges.
Managing pregnancy and maternity
Research by the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the UK Government Department for Business, Innovation and Skills [LINK] found that around one in nine mothers (11%) reported that they had lost their jobs because of pregnancy and maternity-related discrimination. If scaled up to the general population this could mean as many as 54,000 mothers a year across the UK.
Equality and Human Rights Commission has developed a range of resources for employers to support best practice in managing pregnancy and maternity in the workplace. Find out more here.
Work with individual employers
We have worked with a range of individual employers across the public sector. We have:
- developed and delivered training on the public sector equality duty, equality impact assessment, conducting an equal pay review, equal pay law, women and the labour market, and occupational segregation;
- provided support in carrying out equal pay reviews;
- supported organisations developing mainstreaming reports and equal pay statements;
- provided quality assurance on equality impact assessment processes;
- worked with organisations to identify the barriers to women's progression; and
- supported organisations analysing gender-disaggregated data, including pay data.
Close the Gap can provide tailored, confidential support to public sector employers to support you in addressing gender inequalities in the workforce.
To find out what we can do for your organisation, please contact us.
Related publications
Close the Gap response to the Independent Review of Employment Practices in the Modern Economy
Close the Gap submission to the Scottish Government Consultation on the Review of the operation of the Public Sector Equality Duty in Scotland
Close the Gap Working Paper 20: Gender pay gap statistics This paper provides the latest gender pay gap statistics for Scotland and revisits the complexities of measuring and reporting on the pay gap.
Close the Gap's response to Social Security Scotland's draft equality outcomes consultation
CtG submission to the Scottish Parliament Equalities and Human Rights Committee on the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill Taking steps to address women’s under-representation on public boards is a necessary action towards closing the gender pay gap, and tackling women’s economic inequality.
Equal Pay Reviews and Job Evaluation: Guidance for Scotland's Colleges This guidance provides information to help Scotland's colleges to analyse their pay policies and practices, to ensure that they are fair and equitable.
Gender Equality Pays: The economic case for addressing women's labour market inequality This paper presents research into the link between gender equality and economic benefit.
Making Progress? An assessment of employers' compliance with the public sector equality duty This report presents the findings of Close the Gap's assessment of public authorities' compliance with the public sector equality duty in 2015.
Missing out on the benefits? Close the Gap commissioned researchers at Glasgow Caledonian University to investigate the extent to which Scottish employers are taking actions to close any gender pay gaps.
Monitoring Scottish public bodies' compliance with PSED in 2013 Close the Gap assessed a sample of public bodies in Scotland to review their compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty in relation to gender and employment in 2013.
Public sector equality duty: Guidance for reporting on gender and employment This guidance provides information to help Scottish public authorities meet the public sector equality duty as it relates to gender and employment.
Response to STEM education and training strategy consultation Close the Gap's response to the Scottish Government consultation on the STEM education and training strategy.
Response to the consultation on amendments to the public sector equality duty regulation Close the Gap's response to the Scottish Government consultation on proposals to amend the public sector equality duty regulations.
Response to the consultation on European Structural and Investment Fund 2014 - 2020 Programmes This is a joint submission from Close the Gap and Engender.
Submission to Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into sexual harassment Close the Gap's written submission to the UK Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into sexual harassment in the workplace.
The Gender Penalty: Exploring the causes and solutions to Scotland's gender pay gap This paper presents research which looks at the causes of Scotland’s gender pay gap, and how the causes have changed.
Women's sector response to the Gender Recognition Act consultation Close the Gap worked with Engender, Scottish Women's Aid, Rape Crisis Scotland, Zero Tolerance and Equate Scotland to produce a joint response to the Scottish Government consultation on proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act.
Written evidence to the Social Justice and Social Security Committee session on VAW Close the Gap provided written evidence to inform the Social Justice and Social Security Committee's session on violence against women.